A crying emoji
Crying On My Keyboard
A crying emoji

Crying On My Keyboard

The Social Error Platform

What Your Users See

  1. An error occurs. Oh no!
  2. A Python exception traceback
  3. User is directed to the authoritative source on Crying On My Keyboard
  4. A link to the Crying On My Keyboard app
  5. They find their answer quickly!
  6. A user getting their question answered

How To Integrate

  1. Install the Python client
  2. pip install cryingonmykeyboard
  3. Create exception handler
  4. from cryingonmykeyboard import client
    exception_handler = client.ExceptionHandler("YourProjectName")
  5. Use exception handler when something goes wrong
  6. error_id = "user.uid incorrect type"
    error_message = "user.uid must be a string"
    exception_handler.exception(ValueError, error_id, error_message)
